26 July 2014
A Thousand Tiny Walls
22 April 2014
Patriot Day, Marathon Monday, and some food for thought.
Today was the 118th running of the Boston Marathon (ok ok, it was yesterday, but just go with it, I've been working nights). This day has many memories for me. Good and bad, sweet and sour. My first memories of this day are awesome, my second and third marathon, in 2006 and 2007.
That being said, I hope you enjoy what I have written herein, but as I've said before, this is mostly for me, so its ok if you don't.
21 August 2011
Down To Zero
Every second, our clocks wind down,
No tick, no tock, we never hear a sound,
Yet there they are, the time going by,
As hard to stop as a cloud in the sky,
Even when vibrant and full of spirit,
The end grows near, though we can’t hear it,
Like an hour glass glued to a table,
We can’t stop it, we’re just not able,
We have to seek, to find a way,
To make the most, of every day,
For this one right now could be our last,
Known or not, the die is cast,
So go my friends, and live your lives,
With your husbands, and your wives,
And whomever else is close to you,
There’s no telling when our time is through.
RIP Robert W Bond
05 July 2011
The 5th of July
Welcome to today, the 5th of July,
The streamers hang limp, the parades have passed by
Who among you still feels as I do,
So staunchly proud, of the Red, White, and Blue
At whose house, does Old Glory still hang,
Did our patriotism end, with the fireworks last bang,
Or does it live it on, deep within our breast,
Flowing through our veins, fists beating upon our chests,
But how many will put their stars and stripes away,
Until next year, to bring them out, for just one day,
America is not only a great nation,
On the symbolic day, of its very creation,
No America cannot be contained to one day a year,
A bastion of freedom, protector from fear,
Those of us, who are willing to fight and die,
We remember still, on the 5th of July.
Remember everyone, ""Patriotism is not short, frenzied outbursts of emotion, but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime."
-- Adlai Stevenson
The Freedom we enjoy was paid for in the blood of better men and women; we would do well to never forget that, even if we don't have the day off anymore, and there are no fireworks tonight...
25 October 2010
Maria Nieves (Cano) Bond
Rest In Peace.